Sax Soprano Silver Dark Lacquer - Lupifaro - RMusik
Sax Soprano Silver Dark Lacquer - Lupifaro - RMusik
Sax Soprano Silver Dark Lacquer - Lupifaro - RMusik
Sax Soprano Silver Dark Lacquer - Lupifaro - RMusik
Lupifaro TWIN SAX

Sax Soprano Silver Dark Lacquer

Regular price ¥285,900 Sale price ¥247,200 Save 14%
5 in stock

Entry level SILVER SERIES SOPRANO is designed for students and amateurs and gives new musicians the opportunity to learn and progress on a budget instrument with superior sound quality for its category. The sound is centered and well balanced on the octaves and the mechanics are precise and functional. Luca Cardinali personally performs the annealing process and the quality checks with same attention to detail that he puts in for the premium lines, granting the core quality of these saxophones.

Case Included.